Friday, August 30, 2024

i'm back [again]

i don't know why i go AWOL so often.. i get into a new hobby, or an old hobby.. and something has to go by the wayside - i guess.. i can't give everything all my attention.. lately i've been into making ATC's again.. [artist trading cards].. i used to make them years ago.. i joined a facebook group & that started me going again.. it's inspiring.. i think i want to start writing again, writing more.. so i'll be back.. 

Carl [above] he is one year old now.. what a crazy cat he is.. i have mad love for this little monster..

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


i made it thru another year, fairly unscathed.. i'm happy & inspired & optimistic.. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

sunrise spectacular

the sunrise was stunning this morning.. i was up well before the sun, so when the sky started turning into a paint by numbers, i went outside with my camera.. surprised that it was warm enough to be out in a t-shirt.. hey, i'm Canadian.. 50 degrees IS t-shirt weather..  in the sky, the crows were emerging from their roost.. in the woods, the deer were still bedded down.. in the house, my husband slept with the 3 cats..  hot coffee in one hand, camera in the other.. i watched the sunrise spectacular.. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

seeking horses to be my friend

i'm not sure what i want to jibber jabber about yet, so i'll just put fingers to keyboard and see what spills out.. i went outside earlier, found some packages on my porch that were meant for my neighbours.. our driveways oddly intersect.. these neighbours live behind me, on a long and winding dirt road.. now that the leaves have fallen off the trees, i can see their horses grazing up on the hill.. perhaps i'm a typical girl in the sense that i find horses magical.. so i went for a walk with their packages to drop them off.. in hopes of seeing their horses out.. what a gorgeous walk.. some deer were eating in a clearing, watching me, watching them.. i want to become friendly enough with these neighbours that they let me visit their horses.. but i'm an introvert.. i've lived here 8 years and still haven't been able to approach them.. they are nice enough.. i live rural & this couple was the towns veterinarians.. we don't seem to cross paths enough tho to make casual talk.. so, i admire their equine beauties from afar.. perhaps i should make this an intention.. something to manifest.. it would force me out of my introverted shell.. a 2024 goal.. i know, after 8 years, what makes me think the 9th will be the magic year? because i could make it a priority.. 
oh and i didn't see their horses, tho it was still a beautiful walk..

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

winter overtook autumn in a rush

i don't know why i fall off the face of the blogging earth.. i love to write and photograph, i love to journal and document.. so where do i go when i go silent? i get lost and i lose my way.. 

autumn slipped away so quickly.. winter erupted in a rush, without so much as an Indian Summer.. perhaps it was perfectly and naturally timed and i was so busy doing other things that i failed to notice.. yeah, that's probably so.. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

meet Carl

meet Carl.. he is 5 weeks old & perfect.. we have taken care of a feral cat litter of 6.. finding them loving, forever homes.. one being ours.. he is bonding with Mark and the others kitties, Ava & Liv, are still a little threatened by his presence, but it's to be expected.. beautiful little guy.. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

connecticut koi

i met this beautiful koi in a pond in Connecticut.. 3 feet long and gorgeous.. the lady that lived there invited me to sit on her dock & feed her koi.. it felt almost magical.. it was early morning & the sun was glaring on the ponds surface.. the koi were plentiful.. 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023

i got married today


it seems like it's just following the natural order of things & at the same time, seems surreal.. i married the love of my life today.. i am blessed.. 

Friday, July 7, 2023

anaplasmosis positive


i finally got my test results back & i'm positive for ANAPLASMOSIS.. i figured as much, but now it's confirmed.. i'm glad the doctor suspected as much & got me on the antibiotic stat, on a hunch.. i am glad i went to the hospital when i did.. 
anyway, i don't want to dwell in dark places.. i want to get back to my normal creative self.. i haven't created in so long.. i need it.. i don't feel like ME without it.. so today i shall try to let that side of me out, give it time to play.. even tho we have a LOT of stuff going on, too much to name.. i know what i need.. 
the weather is kind of keeping us indoors.. heat wave, extreme humidity & the smoke coming down from the wildfires in Canada is making it hard to be outside for long.. we get up by 5a to get outdoor chores done early, while it's cool.. we are coming up on the hottest part of the day, so it's a perfect excuse to be inside..