Tuesday, March 28, 2023

spring squirrels and broken ribs

winter is winding down finally here on my 6 acre postage stamp on the new york/vermont border.. even for this area, this winter has been long.. we still have a foot of snow on the ground on the shady dips of land that the sun cannot reach yet, tho each day, the sun tracts higher in the sky.. rising earlier, lingering longer.. 
i yearn to be outside.. i began some spring clean up outside a few days ago, only for my body to betray me in the form of a dislocated or cracked rib.. it really doesn't matter the correct term, as anyone who has ever hurt a rib, it might as well be broken, because they all hurt like a MF.. and they all require the same healing advice.. rest.. so i have been rendered useless.. okay, not useless, but certainly not productive like i normally am.. living the way i do, there isn't time for convalescing.. there are seeds to sow, food to gather, canning, fermenting, preserving.. 
i guess the Universe is trying to tell me something.. perhaps i need to slow down? self-care? 


Monday, March 6, 2023

bonded pair of cardinals


has it really been a month since i last made a blog post? wow.. and here i sit, again on the eve of a full moon.. feeling wordy.. and then sitting here for 10 minutes between sentences.. 

last night i woke up at 1.02a.. my kitty Ava jumped into the window.. i'm a light sleeper, just her shifting her body wakes me up.. out the window, the moon so bright on the foot of snow we recently got.. so we sat there, watching a bunny hop around under the rose of sharon bush.. i love all the critters that i am blessed to share space with.. even the squirrel that bit me a couple days ago.. he just over shot the almond i was offering up.. he was all excited, it being the first almonds of the day & other squirrels were rushing in.. 

that's all i got in me tonight.. so i leave you with a beautiful bonded pair of northern cardinals.. i'm going to get back to eating my blue corn tortilla chips with salsa.. 

good night ya'll