Wednesday, November 15, 2023

seeking horses to be my friend

i'm not sure what i want to jibber jabber about yet, so i'll just put fingers to keyboard and see what spills out.. i went outside earlier, found some packages on my porch that were meant for my neighbours.. our driveways oddly intersect.. these neighbours live behind me, on a long and winding dirt road.. now that the leaves have fallen off the trees, i can see their horses grazing up on the hill.. perhaps i'm a typical girl in the sense that i find horses magical.. so i went for a walk with their packages to drop them off.. in hopes of seeing their horses out.. what a gorgeous walk.. some deer were eating in a clearing, watching me, watching them.. i want to become friendly enough with these neighbours that they let me visit their horses.. but i'm an introvert.. i've lived here 8 years and still haven't been able to approach them.. they are nice enough.. i live rural & this couple was the towns veterinarians.. we don't seem to cross paths enough tho to make casual talk.. so, i admire their equine beauties from afar.. perhaps i should make this an intention.. something to manifest.. it would force me out of my introverted shell.. a 2024 goal.. i know, after 8 years, what makes me think the 9th will be the magic year? because i could make it a priority.. 
oh and i didn't see their horses, tho it was still a beautiful walk..

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

winter overtook autumn in a rush

i don't know why i fall off the face of the blogging earth.. i love to write and photograph, i love to journal and document.. so where do i go when i go silent? i get lost and i lose my way.. 

autumn slipped away so quickly.. winter erupted in a rush, without so much as an Indian Summer.. perhaps it was perfectly and naturally timed and i was so busy doing other things that i failed to notice.. yeah, that's probably so..