Friday, July 29, 2022

choose to see more beauty than bother

i don't know where i first came across this phrase, but it has become a staple in my thoughts.. there are so many times when i find myself letting out a sigh, a hum n haw, a roll my eyes moment.. and i have to take a deep breath.. then i remember this phrase and it is all about perspective.. we can't always control what comes at us, but we can control how we re-act.. 

it could be someone presenting you with their own negative energy.. instead of being a lemming and following their vibration, make a choice.. and choose higher.. 

if you don't like the frequency they are on, why join them? -  switch channels..

you could wake up and see its raining.. choose to see the beauty in that.. the rain replenishes and rejuvenates.. it cleanses and nourishes.. there is a lot of beauty in a beautiful rainy summer day..

this is another page from my affirmation journal.. 

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