Wednesday, September 14, 2022

first time trying neurographic art

neurographic art - first piece - watercolour paint

so i was curious about a type of art that has been coined as neurographic.. it's an interesting enough concept.. how i understand it is that when you create in this way, it opens up new neural pathways and can be used to relieve stress, anxiety or fear.. i'm always interested in anything that combines creativity and wellness, so i gave it a try..

it was a beautiful weather day today, sunny but not too warm.. so i grabbed my art stuffs and such and went out on my porch.. being out in nature is always therapeutic for me.. before i started, i wrote on the back of the paper, a word that represented a thought/worry, that i wanted to release.. then with my non-dominant hand [left] i used a permanent copic marker and free flowed/ scribbled on the paper.. adding some circles and such, then everywhere the lines intersect, i rounded them out.. taking out any sharp edges.. lastly, paint.. i started with shades of green, then purples and ended with the blue spectrum.. [just the initial squiggles were with my left hand] 

maybe it works on calming my thoughts and maybe it's placebo effect, either way, it felt good.. of course i think the setting has a lot to do with that.. painting while deer walk by, birds sing, honeybees flutter and foxes come near.. it's already a wonderous setting [for me]

i already love painting and find it calming, so to concentrate on releasing a specific stress/anxiety is very much Law Of Attraction inspired.. what we focus on, we create.. 

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