Sunday, January 1, 2023

welcome 2023

something fun i am challenging myself to - is a 365 day art challenge.. meant to stimulate some creative mojo.. no rules, except i need to create something every day for a year.. any medium.. so today i sat in the sun & drew this fish.. i liked using the negative space with a sharp outline to enhance that.. it was fun.. 

as for resolutions.. i like to call them something else.. the word resolute on its own is a powerful word, but it seems to come with a stigma.. when i hear it, i think of it negatively, as in.. failure, shame, defeat.. so i like to call them intentions, as in - i intend to create something, no matter how big or small, everyday for a year.. i have many more things i intend for 2023.. 

i intend to tap into my true authentic self.. what does that mean? to me, it means to acknowledge what is true to me.. what are my personal standards? do i do things that make me feel ashamed? if so, then i am not living up to my true self.. i tend to hide my quirks away and that is not being true to who i am.. i fit myself into pockets of other peoples distractions.. that is so not living an authentic life.. i need to learn balance & diplomacy..  my passions shouldn't be shelved until everyone else is fed, distracted, asleep.. so this is something i am working on.. creating safe spaces to express myself and to do so with balance.. 

so i go into 2023 with intentions of living my most authentic self.. to live as mindfully as i can in comfort, happiness & wellness.. to nurture my creative self & develop a relationship with self-love.. and to everyone that reads this, i wish you this too.. 

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