Friday, February 3, 2023

wood stove roaring

i have been in such a creative slump lately.. sure i've been drawing, but it's all reproducing, nothing is coming out of the imagination.. writers block has glued itself to my fingertips.. words rarely fail me.. this is such a lull.. my journals sit getting dusty, emails are blurbs.. sounds a little like depression when i see it spelled out, tho it is not.. i've been there and this is not that..

so.. let me ramble & see if the rusty hinges of my mind loosen & allow some creative inspiration to tumble out..

it's -14 degrees right now here in upstate new york.. the wind is mellow at this time, but we are prepared for it to come.. this little log cabin breathes & exhales with the temperatures.. the very walls are contracting with loud cracks & pops that catch me off guard.. the cats jump too.. my front door window has moved past the mere frosty stage & is now ICE.. i have the wood stove roaring tho & that kind of heat is the bone warming kind.. it's comfort that is thick.. the cats keep finding their way to the warmth of the floor near it.. 

the moon is nearly full.. so bright that when i look outside, i can see far back into my woods.. what with the snow on the ground.. i don't see any critters tonight.. they may be bedded down against the cold.. 

and on that note, i'm starting to get tired myself.. good night ya'll..

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