Thursday, July 14, 2022

i love myself project


every day i send my sister a little inspirational note thru email.. i call it the "i love myself project".. without revealing too much about her, i believe that everyone can benefit from a moment of self-love.. without self-love, how can one turn love outwards?  it's the premise that we attract to us, what we emit.. so the more love we can feel.. the more like minded love returns.. 

the law of attraction.. 

i ask her to do one thing, open the email. and read it out loud.. repeat it.. i know that for a moment of her day, she is being filled with love.. every day is something different.. but they all hopefully bring her some inspiration in some way.. and the ones that resonate with her, she passes along to her best friend.. 

seems to be a pinch of love that keeps giving.. because as i am creating them [looking for a photo on the internet, matching up a quote to go with it, picking out a font]  i read them, i feel them.. so they really are coming from a place of love.. 

and well, i want to continue this snippet of paying it forward.. if i can bring a smile or even a tiny fragment of time where someone out there feels even 1% more love, then it's worth it.. 

[say it out loud]


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