Friday, August 26, 2022

new moon intentions


new moon is at 4.17a.. late tonight, or early morning.. depending on when you go to bed.. and since there is no moon to capture, i will use a photo i took some time ago of the moon.. 

the new moon, when the moon is completely in the shadows.. almost NO moon, is the perfect time to set an intention.. the new moon is a time to start fresh.. 

i sometimes have a complete & well thought out new moon ritual.. with candles & oracle cards.. with crystals & sage.. i believe rituals are simply a way for us to connect.. like taking a thought & attaching an action to it.. it seems to make it more tangible.. kind of like writing something down.. an intention/thought/desire isn't any less in strength than one that is dressed up in the trappings of whatever ritual makes you comfortable.. it's all about your mood.. and tonight, it is raining, so i can't go outside & set up my porch table/altar.. and that is okay for me.. tonight i will do my ritual a little more internally.. i will write out what it is i want to manifest during this moon cycle.. for my new moon intention, i like to have a little fun with it.. i always have a base line of good energy that swirls around divine wellness & joy & good fortune.. so my intentions will be something a little more specific.. something i can focus good vibes on & SEE results.. 

i always write out what i wish to manifest during the current moon cycle.. writing it down is like signing a contract with the Universe.. i infuse positive, loving energy into my writing.. 

i never share my intentions while in the act of manifestation.. i still carry over a superstitious thread from my native american upbringing.. as much as i don't want to taint my thoughts with negative mojo, i can't shake my belief in jinxes.. 

perhaps in the future i will set out, photograph & document a full new moon ritual.. tho not tonight.. i'm simply too tired/lazy.. 

what do you desire? 

give it all your positive energy.. FEEL as if you already have it.. think about how happy having ____ makes you feel.. know that it is possible to have it, that you deserve it.. hold that thought for a minute, 2 minutes.. feel that joy, and you know what? you just affected the energy around you.. manifestation has begun.. don't believe me? give it a try.. 

i am open to creative possibilities for manifesting my abundant life

so go on and manifest that shit! 

that's what i'm about to do.. then fall into bed.. good night.. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

sharing space with deer

it's late & i should be in bed.. i know it's only 11.15p, but for me - it's late.. i can hear my fella snoring in bed & my kitty Ava is curled up against my leg, while i sit here on the couch in the living room.. 

why is 11.15p late? because at the first hint of dawn, i am awake & i just can not lay in bed.. i snap awake, spring out of bed & start my day.. i'd like to say that my years of having chickens rubbed off on me.. but nah, i kept the morning habits of chickens long before i had them.. & now that i don't have them anymore, i'm still up with the sun.. i was like this as a kid too.. i wake up so excited to start my day.. when i was little, i wouldn't get ready for bed in pajamas, i would change into my shorts & a t-shirt, so that as soon as i woke up, i could run outside.. the only difference now is i sleep in jammies, but i live in such a rural area, that i don't feel the need to get dressed.. the woodland critters don't mind my attire.. 

early morning is such a beautiful time of day.. my woods are alive with the critters waking up..

these deer, on my driveway, watching me - watching them.. this is a common morning scene.. 

this is beautiful

this is me feeling blessed

this is me thanking the spirit of the deer for sharing space with me

yeah.. i've gotta get my fanny to bed.. who knows what awaits me at dawn?


Sunday, August 21, 2022

squirrel siesta


you know it's hot when the squirrels are too lazy to come down for a peanut.. ah, cute fella.. he stays pretty hydrated tho, he's forever draining my hummingbird feeder.. 

so i'm just sitting outside, in the shade of a big maple tree.. there is a nice breeze, so even tho it's hot, i NEED some outdoorsy time.. i would take the songs of birds and the chirps of tree frogs over television any day! 

my company [or what i like to call the days cast of characters.. the animals that share space with me] is a hot squirrel, a house wren [such a big voice that comes from such a tiny bird] cicadas buzzing [that distinctive sound of summer] honeybees, hummingbirds, dragonflies..

it's too warm to even ramble on, so i'm going to read for a bit.. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

squirrel shenanigans


i've always wanted to grow sunflowers.. in the past, i would plant plenty of seeds, but i had chickens, and keeping chickens from scratching up something as delicious as sunflower seeds was impossible.. this year, i am without chickens.. i sure do miss my feathered flock.. maybe one day i will have chickens again, tho right now i am enjoying the wildlife.. but back to my sunflower.. so of all the seeds i planted, only one took root.. i've been watering and nurturing this one.. just this morning i was admiring it.. it had surpassed me in height and had a nice bulb, the beginnings of a gorgeous sunflower head.. 

and then i come home from an errand to see this.. 

i suspect a squirrel.. i have many of these mischief makers, always trying to get into something i don't want them in.. i love my squirrels too.. so back to the drawing board on sunflowers.. maybe next year.. [rolls eyes & laughs]

Monday, August 1, 2022

donations for Ava and honoring the dude..


this is Ava.. the little love of my life.. we've been going thru a bit of a hard time lately.. 2 weeks ago we lost her brother BullsEye.. i have been meaning to write a post about him, but the void is so big, the edges so raw, i wasn't ready.. but i think i can do that now.. honor my little orange fella.. 

so, to say we've been a grieving household is an understatement.. my baby Ava had felt the loss too.. she usually slept in the living room with BullsEye, and for 2 weeks now, she's been glued to my hip all night, every night.. i noticed her eating habits change.. she needs to grieve too.. but then i realized she wasn't eating at all, then not drinking.. 

skip to today, emergency vet visit.. her grief has lead to a UTI, causing some other small issues.. but the $1,000 vet bill was a bit of a shock.. of course i know, that being a pet owner comes with a cost and of course i would do anything to keep my babies safe & well.. 

so here i am.. setting up a GoFundMe page to possibly help with this..

we are all still a little lost from losing the dude.. yeah, BullsEye was such a cool, laid back kitty, that we nicknamed him after the Big Lebowski [Lebowskitty].. he became the DUDE..  i am trying to honor him with love, joy & happy memories.. ah hell, it still doesn't feel real that he's gone.. 

i really am grateful for all the time i got to spend with him.. 

it's been a rough spell over here on the Six Acres Woods.. 

Ava's go fund me page

and saying SEE YA to the dude..