Wednesday, August 24, 2022

sharing space with deer

it's late & i should be in bed.. i know it's only 11.15p, but for me - it's late.. i can hear my fella snoring in bed & my kitty Ava is curled up against my leg, while i sit here on the couch in the living room.. 

why is 11.15p late? because at the first hint of dawn, i am awake & i just can not lay in bed.. i snap awake, spring out of bed & start my day.. i'd like to say that my years of having chickens rubbed off on me.. but nah, i kept the morning habits of chickens long before i had them.. & now that i don't have them anymore, i'm still up with the sun.. i was like this as a kid too.. i wake up so excited to start my day.. when i was little, i wouldn't get ready for bed in pajamas, i would change into my shorts & a t-shirt, so that as soon as i woke up, i could run outside.. the only difference now is i sleep in jammies, but i live in such a rural area, that i don't feel the need to get dressed.. the woodland critters don't mind my attire.. 

early morning is such a beautiful time of day.. my woods are alive with the critters waking up..

these deer, on my driveway, watching me - watching them.. this is a common morning scene.. 

this is beautiful

this is me feeling blessed

this is me thanking the spirit of the deer for sharing space with me

yeah.. i've gotta get my fanny to bed.. who knows what awaits me at dawn?


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