Sunday, August 21, 2022

squirrel siesta


you know it's hot when the squirrels are too lazy to come down for a peanut.. ah, cute fella.. he stays pretty hydrated tho, he's forever draining my hummingbird feeder.. 

so i'm just sitting outside, in the shade of a big maple tree.. there is a nice breeze, so even tho it's hot, i NEED some outdoorsy time.. i would take the songs of birds and the chirps of tree frogs over television any day! 

my company [or what i like to call the days cast of characters.. the animals that share space with me] is a hot squirrel, a house wren [such a big voice that comes from such a tiny bird] cicadas buzzing [that distinctive sound of summer] honeybees, hummingbirds, dragonflies..

it's too warm to even ramble on, so i'm going to read for a bit.. 

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