Tuesday, September 27, 2022

dwellings in art - page one

 a new art project

i have been inspired by a post i saw on twitter.. if the link works here, i will share.. Francisco Fonseca .. i decided to try something similar.. it is most definitely out of my comfort zone.. i love to draw animals & trees & people.. i love detail, so drawing each hair, fur, feather & leaf excites me.. i've never really thought about buildings.. what with their straight lines & definitive structure.. i am not a fan of sharp edges & rigid corners.. i am a fan of messy, liquid, flowing shapes.. so yeah,  this is really putting my creativity to the test.. - and - i never just do one drawing.. i have to make it a project.. so i dusted off a new art book, made a title page [that is how i cement myself in to this idea] and i got drawing.. i started off in pencil, as that is just naturally my medium of choice, but if i am to push my comfort limits, i need to put the pencils away.. i pulled out my lunch box full of colouring pencils..
and so, this is my first dwelling.. i can see now that i reverted back to my comfort zone some.. this wasn't intentional.. do you see it? of all the buildings i could've chosen to draw, i picked one without strong lines or edges.. i leaned towards crumbling walls, swayback roof.. a lot of room for error.. too much room for error really.. so for my next one, i will try to pick something more structured.. it's not that i want to be uncomfortable while drawing, but rather i want to challenge myself.. it's too easy to sit and draw a bird, horse or tree.. i have been doing that since i was 5.. 

and.. i hope to see some improvement with each new piece.. the last project i took on was to do a study of flower vases in pencil.. i might have drawn 30 or so before i felt i had improved enough.. and really, i just knew one day i was done drawing them.. 

like last night when i knew i would wake this morning & draw dwellings for a spell.. i would love to know what you think.. should i attempt backgrounds, rolling hills, clouds? or would that pull away from the building? more shadows & highlights?  ah, it's late & i'm rambling.. 

"you may say i'm a dreamer.. but i'm not the only one"  - j.l.

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