Sunday, September 25, 2022

meh .. just meh and a zebra

 i have lots on my mind tonight, but all in fragmented pieces.. i can't seem to pull my thoughts in to any one thing for very long.. i started a new book, tried to set new moon intentions, pulled out my journals, my oracle cards, art books and just zero inspiration.. so i took a nap with my kitty, thinking that would reset me.. went outside and then it started to rain.. fed the foxes & the squirrels.. even cooking couldn't inspire, ate left overs.. the fella was having an uncomfortable day [chronic pain from a myriad of issues] .. tv couldn't inspire me.. i sound so hum drum.. sure i am prone to moodiness, but it usually passes quickly.. i have so many interests that i can usually just distract myself & before i know it, i'm wrapped up in something mystical, mysterious, curious & unknown.. meh.. i'll get a good nights sleep & be ready to rock n roll tomorrow.. 

so i managed to post a new listing on etsy.. lounging zebra.. that was the extent of my creativity today.. not doing the painting, just posting it.. 
g'nite ya'll.. 

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