Saturday, September 17, 2022

happy birthday lil sis

today is my lil sis's birthday..  i remember before she was born, i would put my head on mum's stomach and have long conversations with her.. i was just shy of 4 years old.. who knows what kind of things 4 year old me what telling her, but yet i felt i knew her.. it felt like i missed her.. 

oddly enough, we looked so much alike at birth that even mum couldn't tell us apart in baby photos.. we both weighed in at the same wee bit of 5 lbs 5 oz.. i often wondered if we were twins born 4 years apart.. maybe that is why i missed her.. we've always has a strong bond.. we have often had the same dreams on the same night.. ah, there are many seemingly unexplained connections between us.. anyway.. 

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