Monday, September 19, 2022

be yourself - everyone else is taken


my sister called me a lil bit ago and we got talking about OCD.. is it a learned behaviour or is it something we are born with? genetic? environmental? so we talked about the varying degrees we've known it personally.. she called me out on it and i didn't recognize it at first.. so i looked at it from her point of view and yeah.. i'm a counter.. i count every swallow i take of water, how many times i splash water on my face [always 5].. how many times i rinse & spit when brushing my teeth [again, always 5].. i count cows in fields and geese flying south in the sky.. and so on.. and so on.. 
so i said to my sis that i don't have OCD.. because i didn't even realize i count so many things.. meaning, i am not a prisoner to counting.. i don't feel that it is debilitating, so how can it be OCD? she laughed.. not at me, but the irony.. i've often busted her balls about her routines.. not to say i was laughing at OCD, but we are a shoot from the hip bunch that never pussy foots around anything.. 
anyway, it was an interesting conversation that had us thinking back to childhood situations that felt like the beginning of some of our compulsive behaviours.. 

be who you are.. love yourself with all your quirks.. own all your flaws and flaunt your muchness!!

above all else, be yourself, everyone else is taken..  [wink]

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