Saturday, October 1, 2022

curried squash soup with kale - vegan


dinner tonight was this yummy soup.. ingredients - butternut squash, carrot, cauliflower, red & yellow peppers, purple onion, veggie stock, garlic, curry.. cooked then blended.. i love, love, love the texture of kale, so i put that in last.. leftovers for tomorrow.. yum!

so the fella & i got our most recent Covid 19 vax.. not sure if this one is called a booster or not, but it has been the 4th shot in total.. yesterday was rough, we stayed in bed all day yesterday with the chills and aches.. we expected as much.. and today we are mostly back to our normal selves.. 

well enough to whip myself up a batch of soup and some chicken parm with pasta for him.. 

hopefully tomorrow i'll be back to creating some art.. 

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