Sunday, October 2, 2022

oracle card reading - 02 october 2022

oracle card reading
one card draw
deck:  wisdom of the oracle by colette baron reid

question:  what should i put in my vortex today?


[a bit of back story]
i mention this because this is where my thoughts went while holding this card.. i have been trying to manifest some extra money.. i have been meditating on it, eft tapping on it, setting new moon intentions.. and so on.. and as the days turn into a new month without any such monies materializing.. i admit that i have become not only a little anxious, but discouraged.. 

so, i feel this card is telling me to slow down girl.. just because you want something, NOW.. doesn't mean the Universe works on your time table.. i stopped finding joy in the process and was living in an anxious state of eager outcome.. and i know perfectly well this isn't the proper way to manifest.. 
want creates more want
wait creates more wait
i was indeed manifesting what my energy was putting out there.. i wanted more and the Universe was keeping me in a state of wanting, waiting, wishing.. 

this card told me today, to relax.. remember to enjoy the process, which goes along with living in the present.. 
why am i trying so hard to make tomorrow a better day when i can't slow it down and find the joy in today? 

i have been creating art with all the wrong energy.. i truly believe that all artists in all mediums, leave a little piece of themselves in their creations.. their energy is infused in it.. and for the past month, i am sure i have left some anxiety, impatience, yearning & sadly discouragement in mine.. [it would be pure greed and selfishness to put these out there.. ahem, i won't]

so what is my take away from this card? what can i learn from this that will guide me today?  -  create, enjoy the process, be present in the moment.. infuse comfort and satisfaction in my art.. imagine someone seeing my work and it resonates with them on an emotional level.. they want to own it.. the energy i have placed within it, is not only picked up by someone else, but it is fueled and fed by another energy.. and this,  THIS IS MANIFESTING!!

i am a human becoming
i am continually learning

tick tock - stop the cycle of waiting and trying to rush time

put it out there to Spirit and then trust the process

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