Friday, October 7, 2022

love for autumn

there isn't an autumn day that passes without me feeling in awe of my surroundings.. i live on a windy road somewhere between the Adirondack Mountains of New York and the Green Mountains of Vermont.. 

the above photo is the top of my driveway, seen from the road.. blink and you'd miss it.. there is a twisty driveway that slopes down into a small clearing, where my log cabin house sits..
when it rains, the satellite tv goes out, when it's windy, the power goes out, when it's cold, we bark up the wood stove.. when our water pipes froze, i drew water from the pond.. we don't have cell phones, there is no cell service.. in a world where everyone is living "smartly", we are nurturing our spirits mindfully, naturally.. turning more and more to simplicity..
i interact with nature every day and it truly feeds my soul.. i never take for granted any of the daily interactions i have with nature & the wildlife.. every moment i share space with a deer, a fox, a raccoon - i know i am blessed.. when i hear the coyotes yip and the owls hoot - i know i am blessed.. 
i would never want to live anywhere that didn't have the bold seasons like here.. every seasons change, i am filled with nostalgia.. i get to fall in love with that remembrance and that newness that comes from the onslaught of a new season.. 
ahh.. just spreading some love for autumn..

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