Saturday, October 8, 2022

don't ya know i should be sleeping?

insomnia is a weird sort of lover.. you don't invite her in, but she slithers thru your barely open eyelids.. seeps in like the fog thru the spaces between the logs of your house, that at the right angle, you can see light thru on a sunny day.. where the ladybugs and spiders find their way in.. she nags at you with little tweaking fingers.. she talks to you in the hum of the fan.. so quiet that no one else hears her, but you do.. you ask her to let you sleep.. but she brings upon visions.. or memories.. or dreams.. or nightmares.. it's rarely the slideshow you relish.. you flip the pillow to dull her whispers.. you turn and watch the night sky.. the clouds slowly roll by the nearly full moon.. and then you make the connection.. the approaching full moon.. insomnia always rides in with the moon.. she hangs around for 3 or so nights.. she is so excited that the air is static, she makes your skin tingle with a million plus one fireflies.. lighting up every nerve ending, as if reaching out to meet the magnetized air.. the lure of hide and go seek in the dark.. you give in, on the second hour, you pad barefoot thru your house.. you step into the night air on the porch and watch satellites in the sky.. you hear rustling in the dried leaves of autumn.. and you miss the dude.. near 3 months without the dude and you still can't bring yourself to talk about him.. you felt protected outside on sleepless nights, because that spirit was bigger than his feline body could contain.. 

you know there is a couple more nights with your curious, mysterious insomniac sister.. what kind of night will tonight be? an open book and frenzied pen or a sleeping pill to hush her? 

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