Monday, October 17, 2022

tabby cat - sold

i sold a piece of my art tonight.. tabby cat will be sent out to its new owner tomorrow.. i never thought i would feel something, selling my original work, but i do.. when i paint, i infuse my energy into every stroke of the brush.. i remember what i was doing, where i was sitting, what the weather was like - when i was painting a piece.. 
a photograph, print or scan wouldn't give me that feeling of letting go of a little part of me, but transferring of hands from a OOAK [one of a kind] original feels different.. i have given paintings to friends as gifts.. i've sold a couple tiny ATCs, but this is the first piece of my art that has sold.. i guess it's kind of special.. i have dreamed my whole life of being a paid artist.. i've always been an artist.. i was born an artist.. but i was always scared to put myself and my work out there.. 
i wonder if other artists feel this way.. do they make connections during the creating process? do they simple tuck their works away? or are they like me, to pull them out, revisit them?

i am manifesting my dreams..

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