Tuesday, November 8, 2022

my backyard this morning

the full moon is today which always brings on a wordy mood.. last nights insomnia & restless legs were awful.. it truly should be called restless body syndrome.. it feels like there is static electricity amped up inside my veins & it needs to come out.. i try to force my body to be still & it's a bizarre thing.. my toes actually twist of their own accord.. they move in ways that i can't move my toes on will.. being still is impossible.. from bed to couch to porch.. the moon so bright it amazes me that i can see so much, so far, into my woods.. i could see the 3 deer bedded down sleeping.. so this morning when i woke up, at sunrise, i found them still nestled into the fallen leaves.. photo op! this is last years fawn, i was talking to her.. this brings about such a sense of calm & contentment.. which i need.. full moons can be magical & mysterious.. if only i could quell the almost magnetic sensation inside me.. i can feel small flushes of adrenaline that borders on a hot flash.. tiny muscles twitch.. i am trying to find my zen to push down this suppressed mania..  okay, i gotta shush myself.. try to meditate or something.. 

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