Tuesday, November 15, 2022

my creative nook


so we have this secretary desk.. it was always the fellas domain.. i am always looking for a space to call my own.. now, we live in a tiny log cabin that isn't even 750 square feet.. i guess they call it cozy, but it is small.. which is okay.. it's still bigger than the house i grew up in.. and that was a 6 person family.. here it is just the 2 of us, plus my Ava kitty.. we don't have a usable basement, no attic.. so juggling living space with storage space gets creative..  anyway, that is just me setting the scene a little.. my art stuff if scattered all about.. in boxes, under the bed, cupboards, on the dresser etc.. well, the fella surprised me by saying that if i wanted to clean his stuff out, that i could have this desk for my creative nook.. 

i am so excited.. i've been an artistic soul my whole life, so i have an enormous amount of "stuff".. but this area holds all my mixed media.. all organized.. i sooo love it.. my little nook..  my other space that is cherished is my book shelf.. art & books = my passion..

my inner child is giggling & spinning circles in the front yard with her eyes closed

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