Tuesday, November 1, 2022

november influences

i haven't blogged in a long time, at least it feels like a long time.. everyday is a different project.. the fella has gotten into fermenting & i've been helping him with that.. so far the successes have been sauerkraut & cranberries.. [not together] we are always trying something new with food.. we both have very specialized diets, so there is a lot of trial & error figuring out what works for each of us.. right now we are sipping on scratch ginger tea w/ lime & cinnamon.. it's so warming.. 

creatively, my newest project is when i do an oracle card reading, i have been trying to infuse my interpretation into some kind of art.. the above is "the moon".. i love newness.. starting new journals & projects.. i revamped an old art journal.. i like to keep my creations grouped together.. so i have an artbook with just buildings in it, one with only neurographic art, this new one called "oracle card inspiration".. i like to challenge myself.. interpreting a card reading with words is one thing, now to visualize it.. it's fun.. 

stay tuned for whatever November brings my way.. what will November bring you?

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