Tuesday, October 25, 2022

hinge pins standing in for pennies

the sun is just now beginning to break thru the morning mist.. it's going to be a warmish day today.. my house is quiet except for a squirrel that is knocking things over on my [not so] screened in porch.. it just makes me giggle.. not sure how the fella is managing to stay asleep thru the racket.. 

last night i was talking to my sister on the phone and we were talking about a friend [one of the collected coven] and how she had a penny fling itself to the floor while they were in bed.. i thought of "pennies from heaven".. whether or not you believe in heaven, but the gesture [in my belief] is loved ones that are trying to communicate.. those on a different level than us.. and just as we were talking of this, something launched itself noisily to my floor.. she heard it thru the phone.. when i went looking to see what it was, i have a lap tray and it was the hinge pin that ejected itself.. this pin isn't under tension or coiled.. if it had worn itself loose, it would have simply fallen below.. this was launched far away with a very loud clanging.. even scared my kitty.. this tray hadn't been touched in a day.. 
and.. on that thought.. today is my Dad's birthday.. it's been 32 years since i've been in the same tangible space as him..
pennies from heaven, or hinge pins.. yeah.. they have ways of communicating.. 

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