Saturday, December 10, 2022

canning blueberry bourbon cinnamon cayenne jam


so i came into a pile of cherry tomatoes & blueberries.. i am not one to waste the good fortune of free food.. so this morning i made & canned 8 jars [1/2 pint] of roasted salsa and 10 jars of blueberry bourbon preserves.. 

for the salsa, i cut & squeezed the seeds out of all the tomatoes, put them in a 425 degrees oven on baking sheets, along with onion, garlic & jalapeno peppers.. i wanted a nice char on them.. roasting them off makes a big difference in the taste.. and then i seasoned it to taste.. yummy stuff like cumin, cilantro, paprika, chili seasonings.. also lime juice & apple cider vinegar to get the ph balance proper for long storage..

then i got to work on the blueberries.. cooked them down with sugar. bourbon, cinnamon & cayenne.. i just came up with the flavour profile as i was going along.. i didn't want to use too much sugar, so i added some sure jell for low sugar jams & a bit of clear jell.. the zest of a lemon & plenty of juice to keep the acidity proper.. and mmmm.. 

put some of that on a piece of rye toast. bourbon is subtle, the cinnamon gives it a smoky hue & the cayenne catches you on the back side.. i could see this stuff on pancakes or ice cream.. 

sorry no real recipe to follow.. i'm not one for measuring.. i just add this & that.. it's all on the fly.. but for some free food that would've gone bad in a day or so, i now have 18 jars of goodness for the fella & i.. all just for a bit of my time & energy.. and it was fun.. 

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