Thursday, December 1, 2022

time for drawing

the thunderstorm from last night turned into snow as the temps dropped overnight,  so i woke up to a pretty scene of white..  i didn't have much in the form of chores or projects today, so i took some time to create.. i had this magazine clipping of a vulture photo that has been on my to-draw list.. it was so relaxing.. curled up on the couch, heated blanket over me, coloured pencils scattered about while it snowed outside..  
no real deep thoughts going on here tonight.. it was nice to have such a low key day.. 
the fella & i always have a dozen projects on the go, it seems.. we've been organizing, re-arranging, cleaning & fixing.. we cook, can, ferment, pickle.. we harvest, dehydrate, bake & freeze.. if there is something we want, we try to do it ourselves.. 
a day with minimal chores is a good day..

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