Monday, December 26, 2022

positive journal prompt - 26 december 2022

 write about a time when you hesitated but then went out & socialized with others and had a great time

maybe it's the time of year, coming up on the New Year, that instantly brought this memory to the forefront of my thoughts.. somewhere in the the time frame of 1999-2001.. in Canada.. it was New Years Eve and i had my evening all set out.. i'd made some comfort food, gotten into my pajamas and was settling in to watch a Kids In The Hall marathon on tv.. the perfect evening for any introvert.. then the phone started ringing.. i rolled my eyes & i don't know why i answered the phone, but i did.. it was Leenie & Desi & Snowy [the work gang] begging me to come out with them.. after many grumbled NO's, i let myself be talked into it.. it takes about 25 minutes to get from the Reserve to my Apt, so i had plenty of time to get dressed & made up.. 
we went to Club 445.. not the real name of the club, but i don't remember the name.. it was nicknamed 445 by way of how many Indians [ahem, Native Americans.. growing up, i only knew we were Indians.. no politically incorrectness happening on the Rez] frequented the club.. 445 was the telephone area code on the Rez.. 
at the club, no one wanted to be the first on the dance floor, so LeeAnn & i went out and got the ball rolling.. a couple girls without shame nor shyness.. 
i remember being outside for fresh air & finding Brento curled up on the ground under the back wheels of his Suburban.. apparently too much alcohol & coke.. he was so cold.. so we got him in a car & drove him home.. we dumped him inside his house on the floor.. his Dad apparently stumbled over him during the night, giving him the nickname SpeedBump that remained with him among our circle.. 

i left Canada soon after this.. but i DID end up having a good time that night..

side note: as fun as that night was & i remember with a smile.. i can't help think about LeeAnn & Leenie as they both lost young daughters.. 

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