Saturday, December 17, 2022

snowy saturday


i woke up this morning at 4.30a to find the hydro [power] out.. luckily we'd just barked up the woodstove, so we were in no worries of being cold.. it sure is dark out here in the woods without a light to be seen anywhere.. we got a bit of snow from the storm that moved across the country.. i'm here in upstate New York, so we are near the end of that storm.. so i curled up on the couch with my kitty Ava and read a book with my clip on light.. 

the fella roused a couple hours after me.. we lit some candles, i put water on the woodstove for tea & coffee.. put peanuts & sunflower seeds on the window ledge for the critters.. we got quite the pile of snow.. heavy, wet snow.. a huge part of a maple tree came down in the yard,. it was turning into a woodpecker tree.. the pileated woodpeckers love that tree behind the firepit.. luckily it missed the trailer & the she-shed & the apple trees.. 

i had to go outside.. it was barely light and i'm trudging thru deep snow with my camera.. so darn pretty.. every direction i turned, it looked like a postcard.. the snow is so insulating.. no sounds of the living yet.. even the birds hadn't roused.. i managed to occupy myself easily enough with painting, reading, writing part of a letter to my sister.. till the power came back on just before noon..  

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