Tuesday, April 25, 2023

do more things that bring you joy

i've been doing a lot of thinking lately about leveling up.. i've been in a bit of a rut.. not a rut as in the sense that i feel stuck or depressed, but more in a rut like i'm doing the same thing over & over that isn't lending itself to my growth.. in other words, my growth is at a stand still.. in all areas of my wellbeing..  my creative self, my emotional self, my mental self.. there are a lot of us inside here & they've all grown complacent and in need of a shake up.. some inspiration to bring learning & growth back into the mix.. 

so i was lying in bed last night and i thought to myself - "how do you expect things to change when you do the same thing over & over again"  so i'm switching up my routine, or rather i'm tossing my routine out the window.. 

my normal routine in the morning is to get up & spend some time on the sites where i make a few cents.. you know the sites.. nickel & diming my way to getting an Amazon gift card thru surveys, games, polls, clicks & videos etc.. i asked myself last night - "is this bringing me joy?" .. i love that i can get a couple gift cards a month, but the time it takes to make them and i'm really not enjoying myself.. it feels like a chore or a job i dread.. 

it is taking me away from the things that DO bring me joy.. like watching the sunrise, being in nature, playing with my cats, reading, writing, painting, drawing, photography, poetry, writing letters.. all these things bring me so much JOY.. so today, i am switching things up.. the sun has come up over the back 40, i laughed at my kitties running zoomies thru the house, i'm writing, i'm feeling grateful and inspired..

this photo is Roxy from last night.. i love this raccoon so much.. He stops by most nights for a head scratch and some snacks..  we help each other out.. He brings me such a sense of pure joy and kindness.. he is an instant energy boost.. and he gets some healthy nourishment.. last night it was almonds, dates & blueberries.. and this makes me think, am i putting the best nourishment into my own body? nope.. having a few nuts & berries throughout my day doesn't cancel out the cheese crackers & the chocolate chips i'm snacking on.. 

i am feeling inspired to switch things up.. so today, i am going to do everything differently.. backwards, upside down & inside out.. 

it's a beautiful day
i'm inspired
let's go get our happy on.. 

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