Thursday, April 27, 2023

cut flowers and a spoiled raccoon

it's late, like creeping up on midnight.. i should've been in bed hours ago.. not that i have a bedtime hour.. but i like to rise with the sun.. i love mornings.. i'd say i'm a morning person, but i'm also a night person.. i've never required much sleep.. 

i got caught up watching a movie.. Beautiful Girls.. i haven't seen it in years.. i forgot how much i liked it.. then i heard Roxy the raccoon on the window sill & had to give him a head scratch and some snacks.. he's the sweetest wild animal ever.. 

i spent some time outside today, it was beautiful.. never even got up to 60 degrees.. my kind of weather.. i gathered some cut flowers in a mason jar, because i think there should always be some bits of nature in my house.. these are all we have blooming so far.. 3 different types of daffodils & some african violets.. i do see 4 tulips coming up.. these are all things that were here before i came along.. i appreciate them.. 

i need to crawl into bed with the fella.. he's deep into sleep.. ya know, when he's been asleep long enough for the snoring to quiet down.. my 2 kitties are curled up next to each other on the heated blanket.. tho Liv follows me everywhere.. as soon as i get comfy in bed, she will make her way in, fall asleep on my face.. heh, yeah really.. 

good night


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