Saturday, April 29, 2023

grey damp day


it was a grey day.. all day.. not necessarily rainy.. but the kind of day where the air is damp.. yeah.. moist even.. isn't moist the most dirtiest sounding word that is just a normal word? but yeah, the air was damp.. misty.. can the air be considered humid when it's cold? it was like that.. you don't see any rain drops, but moisture collects on everything like dew.. dew during the daytime.. moist, but not quite  fog.. the weather kept me from sitting outside.. stuck inside, i didn't know what to do with myself.. i did some laundry, some dishes, some cooking, more dishes.. i lied down with my kitty for a spell.. i was waiting on some used books to be delivered.. so i kept wandering outside into the damp air to walk up my long driveway.. no books.. no mail yet.. and our driveway is bendy with lots of trees & bushes on the sides, so i have to walk at least 3/4 of the way up to even see the mailbox.. the door fell off the mailbox, so i can see inside from my 3/4 way stance.. yeah, no door on the mailbox, it fell off before the winter, before the propane truck backed out of the driveway and broke my mailbox off the post.. so every time it snowed, the snow plows would knock off my precariously balanced mailbox with no door, into the ditch, where i would have to dig it out of the snow bank.. scoop out the tight packed snow like the boys in Alive digging out the airplane when the avalanches came.. my mailbox, a mini fuselage.. every snow storm a mini avalanche.. now it's the rainy spring season, so i have to try and time my incoming mail strategically, or else i gather up soggy circulars & past due bills.. so while i'm waiting for my books to be delivered, i wander the driveway in the damp weather enough times to consider this my exercise for the day.. i find a dead woodchuck on the road at my driveway top on probably the 6th time on my trek to the mailbox.. this not only saddened me, but i felt a bit of panic.. oh please don't be Winston, the woodchuck that lives under my shed.. i pulled it off the road & into the grass.. it had markings that didn't look familiar, but i was still anxious to see Winston.. make sure, ease my mind.. i said a little prayer over the woodchuck in the grass on the side of the road.. finally, at 6pm, i get a notice in my email "package delivered" .. who the hell gets mail at 6 in the evening? i know i live rurally, but 6pm? delivering my mail feels like an after thought.. and why would i check my mailbox umpteen times a day when i have alerts on my computer? because the updates were odd & seemed random.. telling me it is out for delivery, but estimated arrival time is MONDAY.. when i headed out the door at 6pm, i saw Winston sitting next to her den, all meerkat like, eating on the kale i put out for her earlier.. i had to scream in joy at her.. "Winston!!  Love You"  she gives me a look & goes back to her kale.. i get my books before the damp air seeps into  them.. you know? i really need to get a new mailbox.. and secure it to a post.. my plane crash mailbox with no door and no landing gear.. with numbers i marker onto a piece of paper and tape to the side like an S.O.S note.. yeah, it was a damp, grey day.. it put me out of sorts.. winter has only been over for a month or so, and i already don't know what to do with myself when i can't be outside, in the sunshine & cool air.. sitting at my table on the porch with all my journals and pens and papers strewn about me.. weather forecast shows rain everyday for a week.. same place same time, see you back here for another update in the chronicles of my extraordinary ordinary life.. [smile - life is good]

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