Friday, July 7, 2023

anaplasmosis positive


i finally got my test results back & i'm positive for ANAPLASMOSIS.. i figured as much, but now it's confirmed.. i'm glad the doctor suspected as much & got me on the antibiotic stat, on a hunch.. i am glad i went to the hospital when i did.. 
anyway, i don't want to dwell in dark places.. i want to get back to my normal creative self.. i haven't created in so long.. i need it.. i don't feel like ME without it.. so today i shall try to let that side of me out, give it time to play.. even tho we have a LOT of stuff going on, too much to name.. i know what i need.. 
the weather is kind of keeping us indoors.. heat wave, extreme humidity & the smoke coming down from the wildfires in Canada is making it hard to be outside for long.. we get up by 5a to get outdoor chores done early, while it's cool.. we are coming up on the hottest part of the day, so it's a perfect excuse to be inside.. 

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