Wednesday, July 5, 2023


i know i need to get writing again.. so much has happened in my life as of late.. i could write a laundry list, but that just sounds like a complaint list.. i don't want to give any attention or energy to the negative.. 

i'm doing a bit of convalescing.. this hasn't been confirmed yet, still waiting on blood tests to come back, but i am proactively treating what is thought to be ANAPLASMOSIS.. a tick borne virus.. i live rural with woods all around me.. i pick ticks off me routinely.. when i was younger & lived in Canada, we had woodticks.. they were big, easy to see, totally easy to know if you got bit.. tho here in upstate New York, we have deer ticks.. and a baby deer tick can be so small that it's smaller than a speck of black pepper.. i've had to take a magnifying glass to confirm it's a tick.. so, i imagine not noticing one of those tiny buggers is easy to do.. and i do A LOT of tick checks.. 
it is believed that yes, one of those buggers got me.. as least that is what i'm being treated for.. 

the first sign? fevers.. when mine shot up to 104.2, i did the Covid test, negative.. and the fatigue.. whew

once you mention it to someone, then the stories come back as how rampant this tick borne illness is.. so & so's dogs have it, the neighbour had it, everyone knows someone.. .. .. so add me to that miserable list of statistics.. 

be careful ya'll, if you share your space with deer, as i do.. if you love the woods.. try PERMETHRIN treated clothes.. just be careful if you have cats, as they are the only animals sensitive to it.. 

be well
be happy
and love your life

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