Friday, July 29, 2022

choose to see more beauty than bother

i don't know where i first came across this phrase, but it has become a staple in my thoughts.. there are so many times when i find myself letting out a sigh, a hum n haw, a roll my eyes moment.. and i have to take a deep breath.. then i remember this phrase and it is all about perspective.. we can't always control what comes at us, but we can control how we re-act.. 

it could be someone presenting you with their own negative energy.. instead of being a lemming and following their vibration, make a choice.. and choose higher.. 

if you don't like the frequency they are on, why join them? -  switch channels..

you could wake up and see its raining.. choose to see the beauty in that.. the rain replenishes and rejuvenates.. it cleanses and nourishes.. there is a lot of beauty in a beautiful rainy summer day..

this is another page from my affirmation journal.. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

i get up and make myself move


i have been going thru a hard time and while i may need to talk thru it to heal, now is not the time.. the wound is too fresh.. but even in my sorrow, i know i need to at least go thru the movements of somewhere calm, something joyous, somehow peaceful.. 

another of my "i love myself" project creations.. i hope someone out there that may need a moment of comfort, finds this and feels even 1% better.. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

i love myself project


every day i send my sister a little inspirational note thru email.. i call it the "i love myself project".. without revealing too much about her, i believe that everyone can benefit from a moment of self-love.. without self-love, how can one turn love outwards?  it's the premise that we attract to us, what we emit.. so the more love we can feel.. the more like minded love returns.. 

the law of attraction.. 

i ask her to do one thing, open the email. and read it out loud.. repeat it.. i know that for a moment of her day, she is being filled with love.. every day is something different.. but they all hopefully bring her some inspiration in some way.. and the ones that resonate with her, she passes along to her best friend.. 

seems to be a pinch of love that keeps giving.. because as i am creating them [looking for a photo on the internet, matching up a quote to go with it, picking out a font]  i read them, i feel them.. so they really are coming from a place of love.. 

and well, i want to continue this snippet of paying it forward.. if i can bring a smile or even a tiny fragment of time where someone out there feels even 1% more love, then it's worth it.. 

[say it out loud]


Tuesday, July 12, 2022


i love this word and what it means so much that i chose to name my current journal this.. yes, this is the front page of my journal.. and yes, i name things such as journals.. i don't name every thing, that would just be a little crazy.. but i do name important things to me.. even when setting up a new kindle reader, it asks you to name it.. [btw, my kindle is named = warthog] 

so my journal is ukiyo.. i read it every time i open my journal.. before i begin writing.. it brings a moment of calm about me.. once i feel that calm, then i can begin to write and when i write, i am infusing my energy into it.. my energy is what forms my words.. 

so i think this image being the first is appropriate.. it sets a mood for this blog.. a take a deep breath and feel comfort and joy mood.. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

who are you?

this is my jumping off point

who are you?
they call me weege

who are you?
i'm here

who are you?
i'm comfort

who are you?
i'm reader
native american
old soul

who are you?
i'm inspired

i have no real intention for this blog.. i just know i'm feeling the urge to expel my energy into words and put them down here.. i draw inspiration from many places and i think i will share them here.. use this as a collective reservoir for the many fragments of me.. this is less about getting to know me and more about sharing some of the odd bits of me that may resonate with the odd bits of you.. 

if i can share some of my muchness with you, if i can inspire you.. if i can raise your vibration even just a whisper.. if i can bring you curiosity or comfort.. yeah, lets just do something.. i need to put my energy somewhere.. 

who are you?
they call me weege