Tuesday, September 20, 2022

a bobcat pooped on my driveway


so yeah.. a bobcat pooped on my driveway today.. i was walking up the driveway to check the mailbox and i spot .. yup.. poop.. i live in upstate New York in a rural area.. my little postage stamp of property that i affectionately refer to as "the six acres woods"  how do i know it was bobcat poop? well, i've educated myself on such things, because i like to know what critters are frequenting my woods.. i've seen the bobcat on a few occasions.. i wonder, what makes a bobcat choose my driveway to poop on? is he being territorial? is he giving me a big F You? even my outdoor kitty knew enough to poop in the woods.. ah well.. i'm just jibber/jabbering.. 

and to spare ya'll a photo of bobcat poop, here's some cuteness.. my babygirl AVA..

if anyone wants to donate to Ava's vet bill gofundme.. thank you!

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