Wednesday, September 21, 2022

musings - 21sept2022


i really need to stop watching true crime before going to bed.. it's a guilty pleasure of mine, but i feel i should end my day on a positive note or a moment of peace.. so i flipped the tv channel over to NatGeoWild and there is a show called In The Womb - Animal Babies, because well, how can ya not feel happy & fuzzy inside while watching baby animals? seriously tho, what a nifty show.. the photography is so amazing, i wonder quickly if it's CGI, but the more i watch, that is real babies in the womb.. just as the title says.. [back it up, did i just use the word nifty? yup.. my inner hippie is showing] looking back up to the tv, how cute are meerkats? 

i had a nice day today.. i cleaned my house early on.. the buzzing about, sweeping/mopping and such, had lil Ava all up on her toenails, so i spent some snuggle time with her.. we curled up on the bed in the afternoon sun for a spell.. i read for about an hour then got up to go for a walk outside.. i took kale stems & cauliflower stalks out to Winston the woodchuck [she's fattening up for her long slumber] leftovers after making a big pot of soup.. 

the fella just wandered thru carrying the jar of peanut butter & a bag of butter pretzels.. i already had my snack, baked corn chips with cilantro & lime hummus..

alrighty.. i think i will unplug & do a quick meditation & get my fanny to bed.. till tomorrow, be well, be happy & grateful.. 

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