Saturday, September 24, 2022

impromptu book review


i just finished reading a book i started a couple days ago and i always give my honest thoughts in reviews.. in this case, a one star review.. i don't particularly enjoy giving unsatisfied reviews, but i like to be honest.. i love reading and there are so many books that demand a permanent spot on my book shelf.. this was not that.. the book in question tonight is "i am, i am, i am.. 17 brushes with death" by Maggie O'Farrell.. what an intriguing title for someone with a morbid curiosity [ahem, myself] 

this book did not deliver.. her writing style is wordy, intelligent and almost poetic.. i love a well versed author with a vast knowledge of the english language.. 

and that is the good part of this book.. the style of writing in a jumbled timeline was irritating.. her brushes with death were more acts of stupidity and disregard for her welfare.. the welfare of her friends and family, children.. she wraps this all up in the excuse that she needs adventure.. but adventure is NOT jumping off a cliff at night knowing you have sketchy swimming experience & the remnants of a childhood illness that messes with her equilibrium.. 

the one brush with death that annoyed me the most was when she went to the doctor to have a screening STD blood test.. is this really a brush with death? have we not, all of us, had a blood test for screening some illness? cancer? virus? bacteria? is every mammogram that comes back clear, a brush with death? thwarting lyme disease with every tick bite, dodging west nile with every mosquito bite.. damn, i have had hundreds of brushes with death..

ah, i'm being over critical perhaps.. but once someone "ticks me off" i seem to hold onto that, like it gave me a splinter and i'm irritated, i keep reading, but that little needling keeps making me roll my eyes and i begin to skim.. 

on a different note.. i kept hearing noises from my porch.. it's too late to be my usual suspects, the squirrels begging for peanuts.. so when the thumping became loud, i sprung open the window with a flash light and catch 2 fat raccoons scrambling down and waddling off.. my flash light catches eyes and i see 2 of my grey foxes near.. 

on this note.. what photo do i want? what title fits my musings? yeah, these work.. g'nite ya'll..

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