Friday, September 23, 2022

twilight zone nostalgia


i'm not sure where my evening musings will take me tonight.. sometimes i just start writing and let the ebb & flow of my thoughts take their own path, mostly unedited & unfettered.. 

i'm lazily watching "the Twilight Zone" re-runs on tv.. this was one of my absolute favourite tv shows when i was little..  i have always been drawn to that unknown element, the things that spark a mood, emotion & definitely the "what ifs".. i would watch them with curious wonder.. i don't ever remember NOT being curious about such things as ghosts, synchronicity, time travel, deja vu, dreams, premonitions and the power of the mind.. i remember being all of 7 years old, in the dentist chair with a mantra of MIND OVER MATTER.. 

if there is the slightest element of the unknown in something, my curious mind is delving down into the grey matter of it.. 

now, to find a photo to accompany this ramble.. this is my creative mind at work & i need to satisfy that part of me.. can i find a photo of mine that matches this post? GOT IT! in my head, this spiderweb works.. it reminds me of the spiral in the beginning credits of the Twilight Zone.. 

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