Monday, October 10, 2022

it's so fluffy!! [said in the voice of Agnes]

this little lady has been a frequent visitor here every twilight. a beautiful striped skunk.. i know the markings look more like a hooded skunk and similar to a hog nosed skunk.. but here in my region, upstate New York, it's a striped skunk.. just a gorgeous colour variation.. 

here she is having a little drink of water.. it rained all day, so the water is murky.. i will refresh it tomorrow.. her little paws are so cute.. 

the fur looks so soft.. a little earlier at twilight, mostly dark outside, but i could see the fur almost glowing, so i opened up my window, leaned out with my camera and she wasn't disturbed at all.. even with the flash going off.. i'm totally within spray range, maybe 4 feet above her, but she was more interested in the scraps on the ground.. 

ah, i love all my woodland critters.. 

i need sleep.. last nights insomnia piggy backed the full moon and invited restless leg syndrome to join.. i'm running on 3 hours of sleep.. so, say good night Gracie.. Good Night Gracie.. 

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