Sunday, October 23, 2022

doodles on a sunday


i managed to get a good sleep last night..  the fella crashed on the couch last night.. so ava kitty & i had the bed all to ourselves.. i wonder if it was the lack of snoring? perhaps.. i still prefer to  have him in bed with me.. but with a full 8 hours of sleep, i woke up inspired.. the bedroom faces the morning sun.. so i quietly made my coffee around my slumbering fella without waking him, then i watched the sunrise.. and began some neurographic art.. the drawing part is soothing.. the colouring part always seems to disappoint me tho.. i can't find the right medium that suits the pieces best.. marker is bold but i don't like that it shows each stroke.. colouring pencils show up too grainy & textured.. so far the best is watercolour paints.. [above] but i'm still trying to figure out what works for me.. ah, i shouldn't be so critical of myself.. this type of art is meant to be therapeutic.. it's all about the process of doing.. not trying to make a masterpiece.. so i have to give myself some slack.. 

i spent the better part of the day on the bed with kitty, listening to some podcasts and drawing/painting.. i took a few breaks to throw together a crockpot of what will be baked beans.. soaked dry beans overnight & they've been burbling away for hours in my homemade sauce creation.. i'll post tomorrow if they turn out.. they sure smell good cooking tho.. 

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