Saturday, October 22, 2022

how quickly my landscape changes

took this photo a couple days ago.. the gorgeous colours of autumn.. a very windy day yesterday completely changed my landscape.. sitting here, early morning, it's amazing how much more sky i can see thru the trees, in just one day.. the sky is orange as the sun it just creeping up.. sunrise for me is a little later, as it has to crest the mountains in the east.. 

i'm tired.. i woke up at 3.30a and tried to get back to sleep.. at 4a i came out to the living room, curled up under a heated blanket.. tried again to doze off.. nope.. by 5a, i just got up and made myself a coffee.. it is going to be a beautiful day here in upstate New York.. sunny, warm.. it's only 36 degrees right now, but we are trending to reach 68 degrees.. i am going to sit outside and let the creative parts of me take over.. 

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