Saturday, November 19, 2022

birthday blessings

it has been a beautiful day.. i don't celebrate my birthday, but try telling that to people that love you.. i keep my circle small.. i can literally count them on one hand.. and each one of them shared time & space with me in some way today.. i am blessed.. since i don't know my kitty Avas birthday, i honour her on my own birthday.. i make it special for her.. she got snuggle time in the sun with me on the bed, she got treats, she got a shelf put up on the bedroom window so she can have a bird watching perch.. which i benefit from too.. i stretched my hand out with some peanuts on it and was immediately surprised by a chickadee & a tufted titmouse landing on my palm.. 

just now, i heard a ruckus outside, so i opened the window & shined my flashlight out & there is a chubby, fluffy raccoon hanging on the gate door, trying to noisily figure out how to get to the window sill where he can smell the little bit of cereal that the birds & squirrels didn't finish up.. so i tossed him a handful of dry cat food.. he is crunching away while the fella & i talk to him.. my flashlight catches the eyes of a deer bedded down & trying to sleep for the night in the shallow under the pine tree.. 

i love my life.. the things that most people probably overlook & not even notice, are the little miracles that show me just how blessed i am.. 

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