Friday, November 25, 2022

keep on the sunny side of life

short story - back in early March, my sister L sent me a photo taken by one of her friends.. he took a photo of his mother on a subway.. the oncoming trains lights centered perfectly in the eyes of his mothers reflection in the glass.. it's an amazing photo.. and i found myself deeply moved by it.. the woman in the photo had such a defeated energy about her.. i needed to know her name.. i called my sis up and she relayed the info she learned from her son [the photographer].. she took the reflection as an omen, like a demon within her.. she was of failing health & the prognosis was grim.. 

my intuition & insight was strong.. i felt tapped into her thru that photo and i began to just speak of what i was seeing & feeling.. 

the only demon she carries is one of defeat.. she has an illness & she wore that illness like a mask.. it owned her, she was so far hidden behind it that the mask became her only identity.. every time she looked in the mirror & saw a victim, she fed that negative energy.. dis-ease feeds upon negative energy.. she needed to cut the life line on that illness.. how? by clamping off that energy.. how to do that? by replacing it with positive energy.. fill that same space with love, comfort, joy, happiness.. dis-ease can't live in a space so full of light..  start with looking in the mirror and loving yourself.. thank your body and your cells for how healthy they are.. for how divinely healthy they are.. 

being healthy is a choice.. choose to be happy.. it starts with self love.. change the energy so that dis-ease is choked off.. it gives it an environment it simply cannot live in.. 

as i was talking to her, i didn't realize she had me on speaker phone & her son was listening.. would i have been able to be as unabashedly candid had i known someone else was listening? 

i had printed out that photo, back in March.. and a couple days ago, i was shuffling thru some papers on my desk & this photo jumped out.. i spent a few moments looking at her, wondering about her.. 

the next day, my sister calls "do you remember that photo of the lady .. etc"  of course i do.. well, she is having a happy Thanksgiving with her family.. she is well enough to do some of the cooking.. she was relayed my words and took them to heart.. 

and she is now thriving.. 

what am i thankful for? that the perfect chain of events lead for our paths to cross..

always trust your intuition.. and never doubt the power of positive thinking/feeling.. 

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