Sunday, November 27, 2022

growing as an artist


i have had a bit of a creative revelation.. all my life, since i was old enough to hold a crayon, i have drawn.. i thought that being an artist was perfecting that talent of reproduction.. well, over the years.. i feel i have achieved that.. 2 years ago, i began to dabble in watercolour painting.. i've always loved it, but felt intimidated by it.. so i spent some time learning different techniques.. i would save all the paintings i envied, so i could learn from them.. only knowing what i know, i attempted to reproduce them.. it was how i taught myself to paint in watercolour.. so i have a stack of paintings.. attempting so many different styles, papers, techniques.. 

and now? well.. i'm bored

i've been feeling the urge to find my true authentic.. regarding art, this means to find my own style.. how would i paint a picture without any reference art? to create something without it being a reproduction or copy..

i love to challenge myself.. so from here on out, i will not copy another persons art.. it was great for learning, but now i need to grow, not just as an artist, but as my own artist.. 

watercolour & ink rhino, created by me.. 

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