Wednesday, November 30, 2022

windy night


it's getting late & i'm sitting up watching a movie.. Roman Holiday .. i'm really not one for romance movies, but -  ah, i'm a sucker for Gregory Peck.. and Audrey Hepburn is easy on the eyes too.. & i suppose it isn't the happy ending type of romance movies, the guy doesn't get the girl in the end..

it's a windy night here, so very windy.. so much so that my house creaks & groans.. sometimes i can feel the air create a vacuum inside.. i am surrounded by trees, i suppose that is what makes the wind sound louder.. wind sounds different on flat land.. it sounds different no matter what it is passing thru & over & around.. i wonder if most people consider this? wind in the city, has a different sound, as it whirls around the sharp corners of large buildings.. it sounds different as it creates waves on the ocean.. i respect the wind.. it always demands my attention.. here we have a hill that is just pines & the wind thru pines is a sound that is so distinct & haunting.. the maples bend & the oaks creak & aspens have a bit of a whistle.. anyway, this isn't meant to be a lesson on wind.. it is just so loud & gusting.. like it demands a bit of recognition.. [so granted]

we had a bit of thunder too.. thunder on the last day of November.. seems a bit odd for upstate New York.. but i find i'm not surprised by the odd weather patterns anymore.. what with climate change & global warming.. out of place & unexpected weather is becoming a norm.. ah, don't get me started.. 

i suppose i should shut this down & get myself tucked into bed next to the fella & my ava-kitty.. i'm always awake before the skies turn light.. my old black & white movie is over now.. so g'nite ya'll..

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